Ultima Weightloss Clinicکلینیک تغذیه و رژیم

ارائه درک مدرن از تغذیه و چگونگی تاثیر آن بر شکل و سلامت خود را از Ultima Weightloss Clinic بخواهید. ما مسیر و ابزاری برای زندگی سالم تر فراهم می کنیم و کاهش سریع وزن یکی از خدمات ماست.

Our clinic doesnt simply provide the protocol supplies and turn dieters loose on their own. Instead, it is our philosophy to provide intensive coaching and guidance so the net result is a true transformation. We aim to provide a modern understanding on nutrition and how it affects our shape and health. We provide a path and tools to a healthier life and rapid weight loss is one of the many wonderful bi-products. Losing weight without understanding the science behind the method is a temporary victory at best. Getting lean without understanding how the excess fat accumulated is a recipe for a lifetime of dieting. We help our clients discover their individual circumstances that took them of the lean and healthy path.